This past few weeks has been A LOT — the Texas Winter Storm has taken a toll on many, many people, myself included. I was very lucky to come out relatively unscathed, and there are many more people who still have recovery to do or for whom the storm exacerbated pre existing challenges. Yet, it rattled me to be cold and without electricity, to not know when the lights would come on or go out again.
All that's to say that in general, I've been having a rough time. February is already a delicate month for me. So, my best laid plans/seeds have not been sprouting on my timeline. But I'm happy to announce that I'm finally uploading a cover:
Kinnship has been on my radar for a few years now. I find their songwriting to be quite intuitive to me and also the find the themes they explore compelling. "Medals" explores the dissonance between both wanting and resisting the desire for "material accolades." I love how the narrator is singing to themself in the song. The "you" in this song is oneself, trying to understand this capitalist urge..."help me see through eyes....that look a lot like mine..." ... beautiful!
I recently hosted an event for SAYHU called Creative Flow. We checked out some art by Black visual artists in honor of Black history month, listened to some lo-fi music, and created together. I worked on some cover art for my upcoming new release called "Giants" (surprise! see the beginning elements for the new work below). Check out the playlist below and the list of artists that I and Eesha, Seema, and Rachel curated:
